Health at YOUR size

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The FPT Returns

It’s been about three years since I last published here. While I was gone, people stopped by the blog, they commented, and more than one person said words to the effect of, “Nice blog, why’d you stop? Please write more!” To all of you who wrote, thank you for your kindness and support! After a […]

Think you’re too old to work out?

If you think your age precludes you from exercising, please take a look at this photo of Johanna Quaas of Germany, who at age 86 is a competitive gymnast. Check out these videos of Ms. Quaas in action on the Parallel Bars  and in the  Floor Exercise. Inspired? I am!  

“Diet” is just “die” with a “t”

Margaret Cho responds to the people who have noticed she’s lost weight, and tells them her “secret.” The F*** It Diet It’s not what you might think — and it’s a highly instructive story. If you’re wondering why I’m sending you to a comedian to figure out how to eat better, well, that’s a valid […]

Hips Don’t Lie!

Just came in from about a 1.5 mile walk.  Originally I was planning to hit the gym today but the weather is spectacular.  It’s 57 degrees outside (that’s 14 C for those of you who live in the developed world). In March. In Maine. So my inner Mom said, “Go play outside! It’s too beautiful […]

This is so freakin’ exciting.

Dreams of Weight Loss

  Last night I had a dream in which I was offered a free membership in a weight-loss program. This came with food, personal trainer, gym membership, everything I needed to Change My Life(TM). When the offer was made, I was so excited, I nearly jumped at it. Then a little voice in the back […]

You Just Never Know

My first workouts were at a gym which is part of a well-known nationwide chain. I chose it because it was huge and I figured it would be easier to fade into the background there. The workouts were pretty simple — half an hour of circuit weights, followed by about 45 minutes of cardio in […]

How do YOU measure success?

Today I received some wonderful inspiration from this article by trainer Frank Forencich at Exuberant Animal: “Help for the Metrically Obsessed” It really brought home the realization (which I’ve had before and will likely need to have again) that the measure of success of a fitness activity is not measured in pounds.  Sure, our doctors can […]

Fit Fatty Fashion

If I had a dime for every time someone told me, “I’d go to the gym/pool/park, but I have nothing to wear!” I’d be a rich woman. Believe me, I fully understand and identify with that hesitation. It’s bad enough that there are jerks out there who stare, make remarks, or harass us just because […]

Be Your Own Valentine

This Valentine’s Day, whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not, make time to show yourself a little love. It’s a gorgeous, freezing day here in New England, so I’m going to take a walk outside.  I’ll be enjoying the frozen scenery during the walk; the hot tea that I’ll drink afterward; and the full-body glow […]

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