Health at YOUR size

The FPT Returns

It’s been about three years since I last published here. While I was gone, people stopped by the blog, they commented, and more than one person said words to the effect of, “Nice blog, why’d you stop? Please write more!”

To all of you who wrote, thank you for your kindness and support!

After a few years of radio silence during which I’ve been reading lots of terrific stuff from other writers, exploring the fatosphere, and reinventing myself as a blogger, I’m back!

Readers can look forward to more workouts, plenty of hints and encouragement for athletes of all sizes, as well as something new: social commentary. I think it’s important to talk about the fact that fat folks who work out (or do just about anything in public while fat) continually run up against cultural norms that exclude us. It happens everywhere: at the grocery store, at the doctor’s office, at the movies – hell, just walking down the street! And instead of shrinking from discussing the difficult issues, I’ve decided that I am going to need to Go There from time to time.

This is why I’ve added a new item to my bio in the sidebar: “Body-Positive Activist.”

So I hope you will join me on my continued journey. There will be posts on this blog as well as on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Follow me or like my page to share in this new, improved adventure.

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